티스토리 뷰

Q. What is exploratory data analysis?

A. Exploratory data analysis or EDA is nothing but a data exploration technique to understand various aspects of the data.

Q. 데이터 탐색에 명심해야 할 것은?

A. 데이터가 깨끗하고 중복 또는 누락 된 값이 없거나 데이터 세트의 null 값을 확인해야 함, 데이터 세트에서 중요한 변수를 식별하고 불필요한 모든 변수를 제거해야 함

Q. What is the objective of EDA?

A. Identifying the faulty points in data. helping us to understand the relationship between the variables which gives us a wider perspective on the data. and EDA helps us build on it by utilizing the relationship between the variables.

- steps involved in Exploratory Data Analysis

1. Understand the Data

2. Clean the data

3. Analysis of relationship between variables


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